The FDA has approved the use of Prozac for patients above 7 years of age but caution should be taken with such young patients as side effects and possible complications have not been researched So ultimately, what is the answer to the "is Prozac safe" question. Yes it is, when consumed responsibly and according to a prescribed dosage by a medical professional. The bad reputation of Prozac is due to over-consumption and over dependence. Depending on Prozac to make problems go away, is not the drug's fault, it is the individual who should be blamed. As for suicide claims, patients suffering from depression are suicidal by nature, so accusing a drug of inducing suicidal thoughts is actually blaming the drug for being ineffective. When used in moderation and with the correct advice, Prozac can ease depression effectively. Megadrox How Does Divorce Affect Children? Marriages that end in divorce can leave behind traumatized and depressed children, who are left enduring the ...